Welcome to Sales366 Frequently Asked Questions
What would you like help with today? You can quickly take care of most things here, or connect with us when needed.

How can I shop on Sales366?

Simply add the item(s) you want to cart and checkout with preferred payment method.

Why should I shop on Sales366?

You are guaranteed only genuine and authentic products on Sales366, which is why we commit to a 150% refund in the UNLIKELY event that you get a FAKE/COUNTERFEIT/CLONED item Sales366 sites.

How do I get a discount for an item?

We offer the best prices so if you see it cheaper elsewhere, simply use the “Reach Us” button and we will beat that price.

What do you mean by “pre-owned" as seen on an item?

“Pre-owned” badge is used to identify items colloquially/commonly referred to as London-used.

What is "RENEWED" as seen on some items?

“RENEWED” refers to refurbished items, which are in their sealed packs with complete accessories.

What do you mean “OPEN BOX” as seen on an item?

“Open Box” refers to a product that has been returned to a retailer after being purchased. It might have been opened but not used, or it may have been used briefly.

What does the “Reach Us on this Item” button do?

It enables you to reach us to request clarifications or negotiate discounts, particularly on bulk orders

I searched for an item on Sales366, but it returned an Ask & Receive page; What does it mean?

Ask & Receive enables you to reach us if you do not find the item you are looking for and we will get it uploaded within two (2) hours

Do you have any rewards program on Sales366?

Yes, we do. Click here to learn more.

How can I reach Sales366 with a complaint?

Send us an email at the following address: complaints@sales366.com

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are done as per our Refunds Policy. see policy

What payment options do you have on Sales366?

For Full payment: You can pay by Direct Bank Transfer or using your bank issued cards.

For Buy Now Pay Later: We have several options, which include

(Click on each to see how it works);

Want to check the status of your order?
Go to Your Orders to find tracking information and order details